Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Pale Blue Door

I just found the most amazing setting, I was so mesmerized that I had to write about it immediately, even if this means I will be late to my morning appointment with the doorknobs lady.

It's The Pale Blue Door, a nomad restaurant designed by Tony Hornecker, a set designer who has worked with the likes of Kylie Minogue, Stella McCartney, Puma and Vogue. The particular dinning spot opened in London in 2009 with the support of his family (his mom supplied the tablecloths) and friends, to 24 open-minded diners who traveled across London to experience Hornecker’s concept. In 2010 the restaurant traveled to Buenos Aires, Santiago, New York and Berlin.

It is a homemade structure that resembles an overgrown dollhouse, an art installation of balconies and secret rooms, built and furnished with the trash and castoffs that Hornecker himself collected around town for his fantastical creation.

The wonderful surreal ambiance resembles sets from the Mad Hatter's tea party. Vintage tablecloths, colorful antique painted furniture, old chairs, wooden stairs. Flower curtains that hide cozy spots with cushions to lay on amazing lighting.

I can't believe my eyes when I look at the wonderful photographs of Manuel Vazquez. I just wish The Pale Blue Door comes to Mexico next year.